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      Spring Trilogy of Seminars

    HRCI Credits ASHRM has identified the key competencies required for excellence in HR!

    One Session Left!  

    April 20, 2010

    Multicultural Issues in the Workplace
    Presented by Maribeth Dockety
    Sponsored by Dover Federal Credit Union
    Approved for 2.75 General HRCI Credits 
     potter anderson conflogo
    Registration 8:30am ~continental breakfast.
    Session: 9am - 12noon
    Seminar Location: 
    Dover Federal Credit Union
    1075 Silver Lake Blvd.
    Dover, DE 19904

    SUMMARY OF SESSION: Culture helps people make sense of their part of the world, and provides them with an identity. Understanding how various dimensions of culture may affect work relationships and performance is important to Human Resource professionals. This interactive workshop will invite participants to examine their own culture, as well as other cultures.

    Cultural Locus of Decision Making and Issues of Equality/Inequality in the workplace will also be addressed. Business protocol in a global society will also be identified.

    Lastly, effective communication styles that cross all cultures will be highlighted with engaging examples.


    1. Learn how understanding your own culture is an essential first step to becoming sensitive to other cultures.

    2. Identify several strategies to address perceived and real inequalities in the workplace based on culture.

    3. Develop effective communication methods to interact successfully with all cultures.

    4. Learn business protocols as they apply to specific cultures.

    5. Learn to appreciate the differences each individual brings to the workplace and embrace the common themes in our organizational lives.

    After participating in this workshop, the attendee should be able to speak about his/her own culture, as well as identify various important dimensions of the workplace for at least three other cultures. He/she will learn some "Best Practice" communication strategies as a way to leverage one's effectiveness with individuals who come from a different culture than one's own. Lastly, this engaging workshop will provide attendees' with information to help them become open to accepting the differences that make each employee unique.


    Spring Trilogy Seminars

    Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 9 AM

    Location: Dover Federal Credit Union

    Member Pricing

    One Seminar: $75.00

    Non-Member Pricing:

    One Seminar: $100.00

    Workshop Registration

    Name___________________________________ Designations____________________________


    Company________________________________ Email___________________________________


    Phone_______________________________ Fax_____________________________________

    Member Status (Check all that apply)

    ____Delaware SHRM ____DelMarVa SHRM ____SHRM National

    Credit Card: ____Visa ____Mastercard Card #__________________________ Expiration_______

    Fax completed registration to: (610) 255-1562

    or Email to:

    No refund for cancellations received after 24 hours prior