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DE SHRM Chapter Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Strategies beyond the Board Room
2018 Diversity and Inclusion Conference & Award Ceremony Attendee Rates
“Diversity and Inclusion: Strategies beyond the Board Room”
July 10, 2018
Dover Downs Conference Center
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
The Power of Community! Being part of a community means embracing our similarities and differences; it means supporting others in a time of need; lastly it means appreciating the many facets of talent, ideas and gifts we all bring to the table. Join Delaware SHRM on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 for the 2nd Annual D & I Conference and Award Luncheon. With a great line-up of Community Leaders, the Diversity & Inclusion is one that you will not want to miss.
DE SHRM would like to recognize and honor companies that are leading the way with Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.
Is your company trending with innovative Diversity & Inclusion programs and strategies? Does your company have a reputation for outstanding focus on and commitment to Diversity & Inclusion?
If so, nominate your Delaware based organization for the Diversity and Inclusion Workplace Award. If your company has an engaged culture, hires veterans and the disabled, or serves in the community, you could be one of our Top Workplace Winners! Last year Gold Award recipients included: Delaware State University, The Eagle Group, and University of Delaware.
Thank you for your nomination! |
Ways to Participate:
- Register you and your team to attend the event and learn best practices from leaders in Delaware. (Earn SHRM and HRCI Certification Institute Credits)
- Nominate a company that are spearheading the way and have implemented Diversity and Inclusions programs in the workplace.
- Sponsor, exhibit or be a patron at the event.
Why not Spend the Night? Come the Night before and beat the traffic!
*Special Group Rate of $119.00
*Call VIP Reservations at 800-711-5882 and reference Group Code GSHR718
*Reserve room by June 19th to receive special rate.